65. Bathroom Bliss.jpg

Bathroom Bliss

Written by Jaqui Lividini

After holding my breath all winter, wondering quietly to myself if the rooms would take shape the way I’d envisioned once we actually got back inside, I’m pleased to report that the tiles, floor, and walls in the upstairs bathroom are coming together quite nicely. I am truly beside myself with excitement! I never thought I could be so excited to see a bathroom taking shape, but that is exactly what has come to pass this week. Soon, the fixtures will arrive and I’m sure that will add another level of satisfaction and completion!

At first there were some concerns, of course, as there are with most aspects of any renovation. We had originally picked a floor tile with a gorgeous cross pattern—but it was prohibitively expensive—so we eventually went with our second choice. In the end, however, it worked out perfectly, and I couldn’t be happier with our decision.

Alternately, for the walls we had originally thought we’d go with bead board on top and tile on the bottom—a running design theme throughout the house. But then we flip-flopped and thought that we should maybe go with the opposite, which would match the bathroom on the first level. It all became very confusing to say the least, but in this case our initial instinct was the correct one. So, it’s important to have a plan and take good notes, but its also imperative to have an open mind and remain flexible—the best decisions often involve both!