
A Cautionary Tale of Contractors

Written by Jaqui Lividini

Renovation is a tricky business with many moving parts and people to match. As in any endeavor, the team you surround yourself with is as important as the materials you use, the choices you make, and the plans you create.

In our own renovation project, we are nearly finished with the upstairs master bedroom, which has shingles in front and hangs over the porch.

One of the hidden costs I spoke about in a prior blog post was reinforcing the beam that runs under the bedroom to secure the overhang. Our contractor, even with all the additional attention and work to this part of the house, did not put flashing underneath the new shingles in this area. This poor choice is causing water damage on this supporting beam. As water courses down, the freshly painted beam is peeling.


The lesson this week is that you must be able to trust your experts. It’s impossible to know everything, so having the best team of experts is crucial. Assemble the right team, and you are that much closer to a successful project. #squadgoals